Scott Westerfeld

 Scott Westerfeld 's Books

A very well recieved series by Scott Westerfeld are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Uglies, Swarm, Pretties, Zeroes, The Secret Hour, Behemoth, Peeps, Specials, Goliath, Leviathan, Extras, Shatter City, The Risen Empire, Touching Darkness, The Last Days, So Yesterday, The Killing of Worlds, Afterworlds, Mirror's Edge, Evolution's Darling, Blue Noon m-3, Touching Darkness m-2, Impostors, The Secret Hour m-1, Leviathan 01 - Leviathan, Peeps p-1, Nexus, Horizon, Bogus to Bubbly, Goliath l-3, The Last Days p-2, Behemoth l-2, Stupid Perfect World, Goliath (Leviathan Trilogy), which was published in 2022.